Money Back Guarantee

Standard Policy

We are proud to offer a 1-month money-back guarantee for retail purchases of the purchase price of all our products.  We are confident in the products we provide and their value to you, and we are happy to give you a 100% refund for the product (excluding shipping costs) for 1 month after your purchase.

Just contact us within 1 month from your purchase date!  You can phone us on 01642 247789, email us at or use the form on our contact page.

We’ll simply ask you to provide us with the details of your original order, you return the product so we can then refund you (via the same method as your original payment).

We value our customer feedback immensely and will always ask you why the product was not suitable for you, though of course you are entitled to a refund whatever the reason.

We work hard to provide a friendly and high-quality service - in terms of advice as well as products. If you have any queries or concerns about a product (either before or after purchase) then please call our helpful team.

We want you to be completely confident in purchasing from us so our money-back guarantee ensures you can purchase risk-free!

For non-retail purchases please contact us at for guarantee details.