Useful Links

The National Deaf Children's Society

NDCS is an organisation of parents, families and carers which exists to support parents in enabling their child to maximise their skills and abilities; and works to facilitate this process by every means possible.

Action on Hearing Loss

Action on Hearing Loss, AOHL, is the trading name of the Royal National Institute for Deaf People, RNID. They are the largest charity in this field representing the 11 million people confronting deafness, tinnitus and hearing loss in the UK.

BT’s Age & Disability Action
BT products and services

BT’s Age & Disability Action website provides advice for older or disabled people wanting to make the most of their traditional phone service and new wave technologies like broadband.

Gloucester Deaf association, GDA

Gloucestershire Deaf Association, GDA, is a frontline organisation delivering specialist services and community activities for D/deaf and hard of hearing adults and children in Gloucestershire. We work with people with all forms of deafness, including those who are profoundly deaf and use British Sign Language (BSL), as well as those who are hard of hearing, deafened, or deafblind. We are committed to enabling hearing impaired people to participate fully in the community, often through the provision of specialist equipment. Our aim is to help make equality and fairness a normal feature of the everyday lives of people with hearing loss, whether at home or work.

D/deaf and hard of hearing people are excluded from a wide range of mainstream services and opportunities and we want to change that. Gloucestershire Deaf Association strives to empower Deaf and hard of hearing people make decisions about things which impact on them. We work continuously to provide practical as well as emotional support that focuses on improving quality of life, independence and social inclusion.

Centre for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People, CfD, Bristol

The CfD mission is to create fair access and improve the quality of life for all people with hearing loss and provide emotional and practical support for all affected by hearing loss throughout Bristol and South Gloucester.

A vision of
• A world where hearing loss does not equal isolation.
• A world where Deaf and hearing communities integrate into one society.
• A Bristol and South Gloucestershire where communication is no longer a barrier for those who use BSL or have an acquired hearing loss and where everyone can feel part of the vibrant community that they live in today.

Institute of Sound & Communication Engineers

The Institute of Sound & Communication Engineers Ltd (ISCE) is a professional Organisation for those working in the public address, sound system, Audio Frequency Induction Loop System, Audio-Video, Intercoms, Acoustics, or any other such sector in the sound and communication industry.

Specialist Audio Services

Our installation partner for all domestic installation work in the TS and DL postcode areas, as well as large scale installation work covering most of the UK.

Hear Together

Hear Together, helping people live well with hearing loss, They are a charity dedicated to supporting people with hearing loss in Nottingham, Derby and across the UK. They work with children and adults through community events, network support and workplace training.

Their experienced team have worked with deaf and hard-of-hearing people for many years. They are passionate about helping children and adults thrive at home, school and work. If you or a loved one are looking for hearing loss support in Nottingham, Derby or from across the UK, get in touch with them at Hear Together for more information.