Williams Pocketalker Personal Listener Available Now!

8th December 2020 | by Alison | posted in News
Hear what you want to hear by amplifying the sounds and voices most important to you!
Williams are experts in creating personal listeners (sometimes called personal amplifiers) that are easy to use and produce clear sound. The 2.0 is the latest in the Pocketalker range and is stocked in the UK by Sarabec.com. It is used to amplify what you want to hear. It is extremely good when used to enhance speech in conversation.
The device is slim and lightweight, making it easy to use indoors and outdoors. Simply plug in the headphones or earbuds, position the microphone near the person you are trying to hear, adjust the volume to your comfort—and enjoy listening to others again. With more than 60 dB. of amplification, it is powerful enough for almost any degree of hearing loss.
For more information and to buy then see the products below.