W.E.E.E. Compliance Information

The WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive is legislation that dictates the way Electronic waste is disposed of throughout Europe.

Its aim is to minimize the effect Electronic waste has on the Environment, and encourages recycling wherever possible.

The Wheely bin logo is the industry wide symbol for this type of product. The symbol, when appearing on electronic product, indicates that the item should NOT be treated as ordinary household waste when due for disposal.

Since this legislation came into force, Sarabec has done a number of things to enforce its committment to this Directive.

Sarabec is a member of a Nationally run Distributor Take back scheme, for which we make a financial contribution. This scheme helps to fund civic amenity recycling sites throughout the UK, where controlled disposal of EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equipment) can take place.

Sarabec WEEE distributor take back scheme Certificate

Customers can click on www.recycle-more.co.uk and use their postcode to find their local recycling centre.

As we sell our own brand of Electronic Equipment in the UK, Sarabec are classed as a Producer under the WEEE regulations. We are therefore also members of a Producer Compliance Scheme, run by Comply Direct Ltd, who manage and fulfil our obligations. Our WEEE Producer Registration number is WEE/EE0067TX.